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Hi I'm Ellie, a third year BA (Hons) Film Production student, and your LGBTQ+ Students Executive Officer for 2023-24


What I'm working on and my latest updates

Hello All, I hope that your terms have been going well for you. I have a few updates on what I am working on to support you this academic year.

First off, I am working on creating a resource for individuals in the closet who are studying at BNU. This will take the form of a leaflet and page that could potentially be added to University leaflets. The aim of this is to provide an extra resource for the University and Students’ Union to be able to support members of this community before they come out. It will include helpful information including what resources the uni offers to LGBTQ+ students and who to go to in regard to different things in the Uni (e.g., name change). It will also offer advice on coming out.

Secondly, I am going to be making some advice videos aimed at Trans students who are studying at BNU. When I came to University there were many things I didn't know which would have helped me navigate this gender journey and I hope that these videos will be able to help future students with these issues. This will hopefully include a guide to HRT and an introduction to makeup for transfeminine students along with a guide on changing your name. I want to make sure all aspects of the trans community are represented by this so I am making sure there is trans masc and non-binary input into the project.

If any of you wish to be involved in these projects in any way please send me a message to let me know through emailing

I know the recent news stories surrounding our community may have been quite distressing so if any of you need to please reach out to the counselling team for support then please do so through emailing

As a final point I'd like to make a quick reminder to everyone that the uni has a “preferred name” option which can be separate from your legal name and can be changed much more easily than legally changing your name. I just wanted to point this out because it is something that can be particularly useful to trans students early on in transition.

If anyone has any questions about anything I've spoken about what I've spoken about here feel free to email me at’’

Want to be kept up to date with what I'm working on and learn more about what I'm doing throughout the year? Then sign up to my newsletter. You can also contact me via email at

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