RAG charity nominations 2025/26
We need your help! Each year, we ask our members to nominate a charity to be shortlisted as our Raise and Give (RAG) charity of the year. Do you have a local non-government funded charity which you would like us to raise money for? If you do, please tell us all about them.
If you have a cause that you want to support, or a fundraising idea, we would love to hear from you. You can call into the Students' Union offices and have a chat with the team or email surag@bnu.ac.uk.
Data protection statement: By completing this online survey, you are giving us consent to collecting your personal data. We take your personal data seriously and will always keep your details, and the information you provide, safe and secure using them in accordance with our Student Data Privacy Statement bucksstudentsunion.org/privacy. We may also ask for more information about you (eg name, student ID number, age, gender or your course) but this is only ever used for statistical and analysis purposes and to ensure that we have a true representation of the student body at Bucks.