5 Skills You Can Gain From Running in Elections

The transferable skills you gain from standing in an election will help you develop a stronger CV and interview skills going forward.

Bucks Students’ Union’s Elections Can Help Develop Your Skills and Employability

Each year the Students’ Union has many elected positions that you can nominate yourself for, ranging from four full-time paid elected officer roles to becoming a student rep for the academic year. You might be wondering if these roles have any benefit to your career journey, especially when you have other commitments outside of university.


The 5 Skills You Can Gain

There are so many skills that you can develop from standing for a role or being elected including:

1. Managing stakeholders 
A stakeholder is an individudal with a particular interest in something that can effect them, typically in business. When running in elections and your campaign you will learn how to work with the people around you.

2. Communication and public speaking
Inspiring an audience to support you, whilst managing your campaign and campaign team, will build up your confidence, alongside your communication skills.

3. Resilience
It can be tough putting yourself out there, especially when you may not get elected, but these setbacks help you to prepare for your future opportunities and learn to improve for next time.

4. Strategic thinking
Writing a manifesto and considering the areas that students need advocating on will help develop your ability to think strategically. After all, it's all about gaining that winning vote.

5. Empathy
A large part of campaigning is around speaking to students and understanding what needs to be progressed to support the student experience. This will help you to develop empathy to other people’s situations and lived experiences.

By partaking in elections at the Students’ Union, you will be able to use all the above skills when applying for future positions, no matter what career path this is in.


Reach Out

Come and chat with the Representation team about any of our roles by emailing surepresentation@bnu.ac.uk or find out what roles are currently up for election here.


No matter what your plans are after graduating, when applying for roles within the competitive job market additional experience and transferable skills can help you to stand out from other candidates. By having practical experience, you can demonstrate to employers what you can achieve, and highlight the wealth of experience that qualifies you for the role. It can be incredibly challenging to gain direct industry experience, but the transferable skills you gain from standing in an election will help you develop a stronger CV and enhance your interview skills.