Each year, elections are held for our elected officer positions. The four officer positions (President, Vice President Achievement and Belonging, and both Vice President Education and Welfare roles) are full-time and form our officer team (sometimes also known as our sabbatical team) and help deliver the student experience that we are so passionate about.
The President is a member of University Council and is responsible for setting the political direction of the Union and communication with all stakeholders. The President is the primary representative of all students at BNU on issues within the University, the local community and the national stage. The President also has responsibility for engaging with the national student movement and the future direction of higher education and enabling others to do so as well, in order to strengthen the Union’s sphere of influence.
The Vice President Achievement and Belonging (VPAB) is responsible for improving the non-academic experience of all of our members, whether that be through sports teams, societies, volunteering, or even helping you to boost your empoyability. They hold political responsibility for the development and delivery of all student activities by the Union, and for increasing overall participation and maximising its diversity, in all areas of the Union’s work. The VPAB is also a trustee of the Union and a part of the Executive Committee.
The Vice President Education and Welfare (VPEW) is responsible for improving and enhancing the educational experience and welfare of all students at BNU. We have also introduced a second officer who will be primarily based in Uxbridge and is a much needed addition to the elected officer team. They are the principal course representative and assume political responsibility for the Union’s input into the University’s system of student representation. The VPEW also holds the University accountable for its promises and delivery of education, is a trustee of the Union and a part of the Executive Committee, and works in conjunction with the Advice Centre on welfare campaigns.