Making life better for students at Bucks 2023-26
The Union is excited to share our vision for the organisation over the next three years. It’s a plan built around inclusivity, accessibility and kindness, whilst creating valuable, meaningful opportunities and a sense of belonging for our members.
The values and aspirations detailed in this document underpin our departmental annual operating plans and are linked to a series of challenging performance measures that will help us achieve our ambitions on behalf of the students at BNU. It’s an exciting time for Bucks Students' Union and we value your support along the way.
For an insight into how this plan is delivered on a day-to-day basis, please also see our Membership Guide.
Bucks Students' Union Strategic Plan
Everything we do will create environment where our diverse membership feel they belong. We will create inclusive, supportive communities based on shared interests, values and ideas. Download the Stategic Plan accessibility version here.
Bucks Students' Union People Strategy
We will continue to be an employer of choice through sharing our success and the benefits of joining our team. Inclusive recruitment procedures will encourage applicants from a diverse talent pool and ensure our selection processes remain fair whilst considering fit to the organisations values and behaviours.
Bucks Students' Union Communication Strategy
This document is intended to provide staff and stakeholders with an informed plan, that is guided by member-led research, outlining the strategies we use to engage with our membership and how we intend to talk to them. We recognise that we operate in an environment that is constantly changing, with a diverse membership that consumes information in different ways and this plan aims to outline the different audiences and relevant channels to ultimately increase member engagement.