We offer opportunities for anyone interested in midwifery to join our discussion, meet socially and take part in the extracurricular learning on offer.
Together, we provide a safe and compassionate space for exploring, thinking, sharing and learning.
We are an all-inclusive society and welcome everyone with an interest in supporting pregnant people, midwifery and maternity services. We invite members such as BNU students, non-BNU students, aspiring students, professionals and anyone else who is interested and shares our passion for all things midwifery! Everyone is welcome to come and join us in the circle! We look forward to welcoming you!
We believe that working alongside others broadens our understanding, knowledge and skills, and fosters a multidisciplinary approach to working at the earliest opportunity.
We would love the opportunity to work collaboratively with other midwifery societies. Collaboration enables all midwifery societies to maximise their offering by minimising their expenses; for example: by sharing the cost of an online workshop or guest speaker. In addition, by working collaboratively with other midwifery societies, we can encourage our members to make lifelong connections and develop professional networks that transcend educational institutions and healthcare organisations.
So, what’s not to like?!?! Please get in touch! We would love to hear from you.
All Things Midwifery @BNU:
Click on any of the pictures below for more information!
Students doing Midwifery simulations for Jay Blades and Midwifery Course lead Carla Avery:

Students practicing their Obstetric Emergencies skills:

"My trip to Uganda as a Midwifery student" with the charity Knowledge for Change
- Click the picture to read Rebecca's story -

Just before Amy won her award for Outstanding Contribution to Student Affairs at Student Nursing Times Awards 2023. Amy is an incredible student Nurse and was the Midwifery Circles Secretary 2021 to 2023:

Bucks Students Union being amazing and sending pizza to students:

Some of our student midwives on their induction day:

Aylesbury Students Social Event :

Our very own Carla Avery presented her research on student experiences.
If you'd like to rewatch, click the image below and zip across to Matflix :-)

Our amazing Midwifery Team with some of our students. Loving the #rcmconf22

Welcoming a new cohort of student Midwives <3 - Sept '22:

The Midwifery Circle dropped by to meet incoming students on their first day:

The very first cohort of Student Midwives @Buckinghamshire New University - Sept '21:

Chair | Emma St Ledger | 20604510@bucks.ac.uk
Secretary | Trinnie Beasley | 22327296@bucks.ac.uk
Treasurer | Natalie Hodges | 22311206@bucks.ac.uk
Welfare Liaison | Emma Hollingsworth | 22206850@bucks.ac.uk
Social Secretary |Gaby Bonnett | 22207535@bucks.ac.uk
Collaborating with:
The Nursing Society: https://www.bucksstudentsunion.org/organisation/8409/