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  • Cheerleading Standard Membership£0.00

About us

We are the BNU Swans Cheer Squad, one of the competitive teams here at BNU. We welcome anybody who is interested in expanding their cheer experience. We embrace diversity and inclusivity, and we firmly believe that anyone, regardless of their background or level of experience, should have an opportunity to engage in the sport.

In recent years, we have introduced a new set of uniform and pom poms, which you can find sneak peaks of on our social pages.

Joining the Swans will give you an experience you’ll never forget. From themed Social Nights, challenging training sessions, to being part of a family, we can guarantee you a season of developing new skills as well as making memories you can take with you for life. We get together every Wednesday for themed socials or takeovers, which is a brilliant way to socialize and create new friendships. We also offer countless volunteering opportunities which we complete as a club in order to give back to the community; it will look great on your CV’s too!

The Swans also have countless performance opportunities throughout the year: last year, we travelled to Legacy Cheer and Dance competition, and performed at various events like Fight Night, and the Christmas Light Switch on in town.

 The BNU Swans have 2 competitive university level teams:

  • Supremacy: Level 2 Tumble Co-Ed
  • Serenity: Pom


Training sessions:

Supremacy (Main Cheer):

Thursdays: 20:00-22:00

Sundays: 12:30-14:30

Serenity (Pom):

Thursdays: 18:00-19:30

Sundays: 15:00-16:30

So, if you are eager to challenge yourself, learn, grow, make friends; we eagerly encourage you to take part and join us!

Committee Members:

Chairperson: Caitlin Day (

Captain: Gemma Finch (

Co-captain: Ashleigh Jones (

Secretary: Mia Walford (

Treasurer: Lis Kelley (

Social Secretary: Mia Walford (

Welfare Liaison: Ella Jacques-Stevens (


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