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About us

The purpose of BLW BNU is to provide a safe space where students who desire to develop their relationship with God, can do so freely with others of like minds. The inclusion of diverse cultures, ethnicities, and religions will cultivate an environment where anyone is welcome, included and respected. Through our various meetings and events, we aspire for every student who becomes a member to develop skills and attributes that will set them up for life. Though ultimately, we aim to provide a home away from home, where all students can be united, feel safe, loved and valued.


We meet in The Room every Wednesday for Midweek service at 7:00-8:30 where we fellowship with the Lord and hear the Word of God together. We also have Sunday Service at 12-1:30pm to offer thanksgiving and praise to God, and Sundays for Sunday Service at 12-1:30 pm; worshipping and give thanks to God in His presence.


Chair | Gospel Igba |

 Secretary | Jacob Hosanee |

 Treasurer | Bolu Ogundele |

Welfare Liaison | Emmanuel Adu |