If you’re thinking about standing in the #BSUElections, you need to make sure you’ve got a solid manifesto. Luckily, we’ve got some top tips for you to help you secure those all-important votes.
A manifesto is an opportunity for you to layout your plans for the role you are standing for. It will outline the changes you aim to implement and usually includes general information about yourself and what makes you the best candidate for the role.
Where to start?
You should aim to keep your goals realistic and inclusive of the wider student body.
One of the best places to start when writing a manifesto is to speak to your target audience, in this case, other BNU students! Listen to their concerns and issues, and their opinions on topics that interest you. If students do not seem passionate about the same issues as you, your campaign will not accurately represent them, which could make them unlikely to vote for you. Essentially, you need to make sure you and your manifesto are in touch with your peers’ interests.
It’s also a good idea to check what the Students’ Union is currently doing and what their plans are for the future. Most of these plans are laid out in our Strategic Plan, or you can speak to a current Sabbatical Officer or other SU staff members.
You may also find it beneficial to keep up to date with local and national campaigns and events that may impact your policies or time in office and understand how this may impact students’ experiences.
Our top tips for a stellar manifesto:
- Identify your motivation: remember the key points that encouraged you to stand, and reflect that passion and enthusiasm in your manifesto
- Be as precise as possible: you have a limited number of words, so let the voters know exactly what you want to achieve
- Use your experience: explain how your previous involvement will help you succeed in your new role and how it will impact the students
- Set realistic and reachable goals: Sabbatical Officers are held accountable by students, meaning you need to follow through with your manifesto and make sure it’s achievable
- Be creative:
- Know your voters: BNU has a wide range of people from different cultures, backgrounds and ages, so make sure you are appealing to a wide group of students
- Keep focused on your goals: your manifesto is about you, not your opponents – don’t waste your word limit discrediting others
Standing in the #BSUElections is an exciting opportunity for you to help make life better for students at Bucks. This is your chance to campaign for what you believe in; make the changes you wish to see and ensure students’ voices are heard.
So, ready to take action? Then it’s time to begin your manifesto.
If you have any questions or want to find out about the roles available or discuss your manifesto in more detail, you can email the Representation Team at surepresentation@bucks.ac.uk.