Time to say bye


Hey everyone!


It's been an amazing time with all of you. I can't believe it's already been a year since I started as VPEW, and now my term is almost over. I've come to believe in the quote "Life is full of miracles and surprises" because everything that has happened still seems unbelievable to me. I've truly enjoyed working with and for you and have had some of my best times ever in this role.

I remember trying to avoid nominating myself to run as Sabb last year, but many people motivated me to run. I'd like to thank each one of them for convincing me; otherwise, I would have missed this great opportunity. I believe I have grown in my role even though the journey wasn't as smooth as I expected at times. Many amazing individuals supported and motivated me along the way, and I'd like to acknowledge and appreciate them for all the love and support throughout my time at BNU.

As the first international postgraduate student on the Sabbatical team, I felt like I'dbeen part of a significant change. It's gratifying to know that I was able to inspire fellow international and postgraduate students and set high standards. I believe that initially, it was a learning experience for everyone to see things from a different perspective, but you all made me feel welcome and valued as part of the team. For this, I am truly grateful.

I recognized that this role comes with significant responsibilities, and I was determined not to let down the students who had placed their trust in me. Every day, I would ask myself, "What can I do to enhance the student experience?" This has been the driving force for me to work hard and pay attention to many issues faced by students to improve their experience. I am proud that my efforts have contributed to achievements such as: 

1. Introduction of the International Student Support Advisor Role

2. Launching the BNUs' flagship event 'Management Fest'

3. Securing Additional Funding for students to exhibit their work at prestigious events like the London New Designers.

4. Extending Library Hours to 24/7 During Summer Breaks

5. Highlighting Hidden and Additional Course Costs

6. Launching the 'Home Away from Home' & suggest a meal Initiative &

7. Running the 'Spill the Tea' Campaign- aimed at creating an open forum for students to share their experiences, concerns, and suggestions, thereby enhancing communication and addressing student needs more effectively.

All these efforts have been designed to make BNU the best it can be for our members. It's been an honour to advocate for various student concerns in committees and work together with the university. Where we have encountered challenges, it’s never personal, but simply part of our responsibility as true friends of the university to give the best for students and to be the best. Attending prestigious events like Union awards and AU dinner and graduating along with fellow students has been more than a dream come true moment for me. I couldn’t have done any of this without your trust and support throughout my journey.

It's hard to believe that in just a few days, I will no longer be actively involved in improving the student experience and engaging with them across campus. It's difficult to accept that a place that has meant everything to me for the past couple of years will soon no longer be a part of my daily life. This role has had a significant impact on both my personal and professional growth, and I owe it all to our wonderful SU team. At the same time, I am excited to see our amazing sabbatical officer team continue and take on even more incredible roles. I am confident that they will be great as always.

I want to express my gratitude to my dear SU family for supporting my growth in this role. Thank you once again for this wonderful year filled with cherished memories and a learning curve that will remain with me forever. Wherever I go, all of you will be close to my heart. Thank you for being my home away from home.

Signing off.
With lots of love,
Sruthi K Subhash,
VPEW(HW) 2023-2024