Sunflower Mural at Aylesbury Campus

We are thrilled to announce the completion of the sunflower mural at Aylesbury Campus. Representing inclusion, diversity, and belonging, the mural is a powerful statement of solidarity for individuals with disabilities, celebrating their place within our community.


We are thrilled to announce the completion of the sunflower mural at Aylesbury Campus. This vibrant and symbolic representation of inclusion, diversity, and belonging is a powerful statement of solidarity with individuals with disabilities, celebrating their place within our community.


This project began as a campaign during my time as the Executive Officer representing students with disabilities, and finally standing here with the completed murals brings me an immense sense of pride. It has been a long process, but seeing this vision come to life is incredibly rewarding.

The mural was made possible through the support of Bucks Students’ Union, which provided the resources to bring this project to fruition. We also greatly thank Buckinghamshire New University for allowing this project to take shape on their walls, reflecting their strong commitment to fostering diversity and inclusion. It’s a powerful reminder of what we can achieve together.

The students from Aylesbury College have done an outstanding job, contributing their time, creativity, and enthusiasm to create something truly special. I cannot thank them enough for their hard work and dedication. They should feel extremely proud of what they have achieved. This project is about collaborating with different groups and individuals within our wider campus communities, giving them opportunities to enhance their learning and development. It’s a wonderful way to show prospective students from Aylesbury College the sense of belonging we foster at Buckinghamshire New University.

Additionally, we were honoured to be joined by Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Student Experience) Karen Buckwell-Nutt, who visited to see the mural and shared in this celebration, Karen said: “It connects with the university's values which aims to create an inclusive community that values others”. 

A huge thank you to everyone involved, especially our Students’ Union, for supporting this project from the start and helping make it a reality. Here is to more collaborative projects in the future.