We've been counting all your coins and double checking your donations, and we're honestly blown away. We recently held out first RAG week of the academic year led by your RAG Ambassador, Jess Bradbury. We'd like to say a massive thank you to all of the clubs and societies who helped to run events, and to everyone who donated helping us reach a massive total of £729.42 for your brilliant RAG charities, DrugFam and the Roald Dahl Marvellous Children’s Charity.
Over the week we had a wide range of different events, some being run by our clubs and societies. Over the week we asked you to Wear it Yellow to training sessions and socials and you all pulled through in a fantastic array of sunshine and donations. Musical Theatre joined forces with the Nursing society to run a delicious bakesale whilst your RAG society ran a pumpkin carving competition alongside BNU Dance Club to round off the week and get us going into Halloween.
It's been a fantastic week but that's not where it ends. Throughout the year we'll have plenty of opportunities to rasie as much as we can for your two RAG charitites. To help boost our fundraising total we'll be hosting another RAG week later in the year and we can't forget some of the upcoming fantastic events like the Big Sleepout for Wycombe Homeless Connection on Friday 19 November, another bakesale in Uxbridge on Tuesday 16 November, and RAG face-painting during our Wednesday FRAT night.
You can get invovled in any of our RAG events to help raise fundraise for your RAG charities and if you'd like to take lead on your own fundraiser, why not drop an email to volunteering@bucks.ac.uk and find out how we can help you.