We are halfway through Movember and It's not too late to get involved and take part in this year's Movember Campaign! Our Raffle is still taking place and you can buy your tickets from the High Wycombe SU foyer every Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. On Wednesday 17 November we are bringing the Darts to Bucks SU, with the BNU Darts World Championship. There will be darts and other games going on throughout the evening and we also welcome you to come to try one of our cocktails or grab a shot from Bullseyes Bar.
Friday 19 November is also International Mens Day and we are challenging students to help us cycle 60 miles which is roughly the distance between all three campuses and each mile represents each male who commits suicide every minute. So please come down and join us on the High Wycombe Campus in The Foyer where you can join in on one of the gym bikes that will be set up from 10am next to the Movember raffle.
It was fantastic to see so many people get involved in our first Wellbeing Week of the year in conjunction with the Movember Campaign. If you weren’t able to get involved this year then don’t worry we are already beginning to plan our second Wellbeing Week for the beginning of the New Year. As part of this, we are looking to run a Wellbeing Fair early into the New Year and if you have any suggestions of who you would like to see there please send them to Natasha.Neal@bucks.ac.uk.
We are committed to supporting your mental health and wellbeing all year round not just when we are hosting a campaign. Everyday on Rusty’s Radio we now have a dedicated Wellbeing Hour between 11am-12pm, a number of ongoing training and development focused around supporting mental health and wellbeing on our What’s On Page as well as regular visits from Pets as Therapy Dog Marshall to brighten your day.
We have so much more on throughout Movember which can be checked on our What's On Page and don't forget to donate to the Bucks Students' Union Movember team.