Goodbye Jess Bradbury


Well this is it my final article as Vice President Achievement and Belonging! What to say. The last two years have been an incredible experience. The fact that I was voted in by students to be their voice still baffles me to this day, but it won’t be something I ever forget.


I was asked a little while ago why I chose to come to Bucks I said well the free nights out looked pretty good and it was close to London. I was then asked why I chose to stay, I replied - honestly, I stayed because it is one big messed-up family. I look at other universities with their big fancy facilities, and although yes that would be nice, I actually wouldn’t have wanted my university and Students’ Union experience to have been anywhere else. The friendships, the stories, the experiences, and the memories I think we can all agree there is nowhere quite like Bucks.


During my role I’ve done so many things to help try and better the student experience… hopefully you think I’ve done okay ;) From continuing the push for period poverty stations, to planting plants to help increase biodiversity on campus. Relaunching the handprint pledges showing our stand against gender based violence, to working with staff and students to add more cultural events into our calendar. There is so much that has happened in what really is a very short space of time. 


Being Vice President has taught me a lot not only about higher education, our institution, students unions etc but about myself, and that is something I will forever be grateful for.


Thank you to every single person that believed in me, supported me and pushed me to do more. My fellow sabbs it has been a pleasure to work with you all, and you are going to all be so successful in whatever you do.


I’m going to miss this job so so much. Bucks SU will always hold a very special place in my heart, I have made friends for life here and found new passions for things I never thought I would. 


So for the last time… Thank you and goodbye

Jess Bradbury VPSI 22/23 and VPAB (the first ever) 23/24