Volunteering Events

View this month's events

Sat 21st December

All Saint Christmas Tree Festival
11am - 5pm
All Saint Church- Town Centre

Mon 6th January

noon - 2pm
SU foyer

Tue 7th January

Calico Doll Making
noon - 2pm
SU foyer

Wed 8th January

One Can Trust
1pm - 3pm
One Can Trust

Fri 10th January

Thu 16th January

Re-Freshers Fair
noon - 3pm
The Atrium

Wed 22nd January

One Can Trust
1pm - 3pm
One Can Trust

Fri 24th January

Global Game Jam - Volunteering
24th January 3:30pm - 25th January 4pm

Mon 27th January

Tue 28th January

Volley for RAG
5:45pm - 9pm
Events Hall

Wed 29th January

RAG WEEK - Doughnuts 4 RAG
noon - 2pm
SU foyer

Thu 30th January

Wed 5th February

One Can Trust
1pm - 3pm
One Can Trust

Thu 6th February

Movie Marathon for RAG
6th February 7pm - 7th February 7am
The Venue

Wed 5th March

One Can Trust
1pm - 3pm
One Can Trust
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