Events in December

Thu 26th December

Boxing Day Christmas Dinner at The Spindle and Thread
2pm - 4pm
Spindle and Thread, High Wycombe

Mon 30th December

Winter Walk
1pm - 3pm
SU to the Rye

Fri 3rd January

Free Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy
9am - 5pm
Psychology Clinic, High Wycombe

Sun 5th January

The Big Quiz
6pm - 11pm
The Lounge

Mon 6th January

Brew Monday
noon - 2pm
Uxbridge - 1.04
Games session in Aylesbury
noon - 2pm
Aylesbury 2.18
noon - 2pm
SU foyer
Mixed Social Badminton
5pm - 6:30pm
Events Hall
10pm - 3am

Tue 7th January

Anti-Anxiety Bracelet making in Uxbridge
noon - 2pm
Uxbridge - 1.04
Brew Tuesday in Aylesbury
noon - 2pm
Aylesbury 2.18
Calico Doll Making
noon - 2pm
SU foyer
Drinks and cheese in Uxbridge
noon - 2pm
Uxbridge - 1.04
Mixed Social Football
5pm - 6:30pm
Events Hall
Mixed Social Volleyball
6:30pm - 8pm
Events Hall
8pm - 11pm
The Venue

Wed 8th January

Bingo in Uxbridge
noon - 2pm
Uxbridge - 1.11
Crafts in Aylesbury
noon - 2pm
Aylesbury 2.18
Pamper session in Aylesbury
noon - 2pm
Aylesbury 2.18
One Can Trust
1pm - 3pm
One Can Trust
Go Karting
2:30pm - 4:30pm
Teamsport Karting High Wycombe
10pm - 3am
The Venue

Thu 9th January

Bingo in Aylesbury
noon - 2pm
Aylesbury 2.18
Game session in Uxbridge
noon - 2pm
Uxbridge - 1.04
Moco Museum
2pm - 4:30pm
Marble Arch, London
Mixed Social Netball
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Events Hall
Mixed Social Basketball
6:30pm - 8pm
Events Hall
Mixed Social Badminton
8pm - 10pm
Events Hall
Throwback Thursday
10pm - 2am
The Venue

Fri 10th January

Free Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy
9am - 5pm
Psychology Clinic, High Wycombe
Crafts in Uxbridge
noon - 2pm
Uxbridge - 1.05
Drinks and cheese in Aylesbury
noon - 2pm
Aylesbury 2.17
Pamper session in Uxbridge
noon - 2pm
Uxbridge - 1.05
Competitive Hockey training (Mens and Womens)
6pm - 8pm
Students' Union (Venue)
Competitive Futsal
6:30pm - 8pm
Gateway Events Hall
Bingo Lingo
7pm - 11:59pm
The Venue

Sat 11th January

Sun 12th January

7pm - 11pm
The Lounge

Mon 13th January

Mixed Social Badminton
5pm - 6:30pm
Events Hall
Competitive Badminton
6:30pm - 8pm
Gateway Events Hall
Competitive Men's Rugby
6:30pm - 8pm
Marlows Rugby Club
Competitive Men's Football
7pm - 9:30pm
Flackwell 3G pitch
Jam Night
7pm - 11:59pm
The Venue
Competitive Men's Basketball
8pm - 10pm
Gateway Events Hall

Tue 14th January

Mixed Social Football
5pm - 6:30pm
Events Hall
Mixed Social Volleyball
6:30pm - 8pm
Events Hall
Competitive Netball Training
7pm - 9pm
Students' Union lounge
Sip and paint
7pm - 11pm
The Lounge
Competitive Volleyball (Mens and Womens)
8pm - 10pm
Events Hall
Competitive training
9pm - 10pm
Gateway reception

Wed 15th January

Varsity Launch
6pm - 7pm
The Lounge
10pm - 3am
The Venue

Thu 16th January

First Aid course
10am - 4pm
S1.01a, High Wycombe
Re-Freshers Fair
noon - 3pm
The Atrium
Union Council - January
5pm - 7pm
In person (S3.02) or Microsoft teams
Open to all students, with free Domino's Pizza available and Gift vouchers available as prizes available to those who attend. Purchase your free ticket if you wish to attend online (via Teams)!
Mixed Social Netball
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Events Hall
Mixed Social Basketball
6:30pm - 8pm
Events Hall
Mamma Mia Tribute
7pm - 11pm
The Veune
Mixed Social Badminton
8pm - 10pm
Events Hall

Fri 17th January

Free Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy
9am - 5pm
Psychology Clinic, High Wycombe
Ibiza Rocks
10pm - 3am
The Venue

Sat 18th January

Musicals by Candlelight
6:30pm - 8pm
The Actors' Church, London
Emo Night
8pm - 2am
The Venue

Sun 19th January

3pm - 4:30pm

Mon 20th January

Mixed Social Badminton
5pm - 6:30pm
Events Hall

Tue 21st January

Mixed Social Football
5pm - 6:30pm
Events Hall
Mixed Social Volleyball
6:30pm - 8pm
Events Hall

Wed 22nd January

One Can Trust
1pm - 3pm
One Can Trust

Thu 23rd January

Mixed Social Netball
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Events Hall
Mixed Social Basketball
6:30pm - 8pm
Events Hall
Mixed Social Badminton
8pm - 10pm
Events Hall

Fri 24th January

Free Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy
9am - 5pm
Psychology Clinic, High Wycombe
Global Game Jam - Volunteering
24th January 3:30pm - 25th January 4pm
Global Game Jam 2025
4pm - 11:59pm
Gateway Building, High Wycombe

Sat 25th January

Global Game Jam 2025
midnight - 11:59pm
Gateway Building, High Wycombe

Sun 26th January

Global Game Jam 2025
midnight - 5:30pm
Gateway Building, High Wycombe
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