
The ability to rethink your ideas is an essential skill in our daily lives. This event aims to expose this to participants and start the conversation on what this could look like, supported by proven methods.

Evidently, start-ups have been able to maximize their revenue significantly if they are able to rethink their ideas and business models. Research shows that with even a 28% higher rate of rethinking, design thinking and pivoting to new models, revenue can increase by 97.8% on average. However, businesses and the controlling minds behind these entities do not seem to be working towards adopting design thinking in their day-to-day operations. For this event, we want participants to walk away with the experience of what it is like to apply design thinking in a workshop-based activity session.

Product solution fit v product market fit

Get you ticket here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/ideation-hackathon-tickets-1000886036077?aff=ebdsoporgprofile