
Aviation has played a critical role in revolutionising long-distance transport since the 1960s, particularly in meeting requirements for long distance freight and passenger trip combinations that lack access to viable alternatives. Fast forward to the 21st century and Aviation continues to play this critical role, albeit with an urgent impetus to reduce its contributions to Greenhouse Gas emissions as a result of the world’s climate emergency.

Ironically, the distances over which the benefits of aviation are most acutely felt, are the same distances for which reductions in emissions will prove the most difficult, leading to an impending conundrum for individuals, policy-makers and the aviation sector itself as it seeks to achieve sustainable growth. Join Professor David Warnock-Smith as he explores the different trends in long-distance transport, the groups in society that make most use of it and why, and whether, in the context of managing our personal and organisational carbon footprints, we are able to consider any long distance trips as dispensable or substitutable.

Lecture starts at 5:00pm and ends at 6:00pm, there is a reception afterwards for anyone that wishes to stay.

Sign up here https://www.eventbrite.com/e/lecture-series-examining-long-distance-transport-the-role-of-aviation-tickets-705239740047?aff=oddtdtcreator