
Join this online session for FREE!

Many people struggle to set boundaries at work for a whole host of reasons. But healthy boundaries are essential to look after our wellbeing and therefore our effectiveness at work. Some of the keys to setting great boundaries are knowing what you want (or don’t want), why that matters to you and being able to communicate that to others in an assertive way – confident but friendly. And there are tools to help you achieve this. You’ll take away:

  • Understanding the different types of boundaries we set and understanding your current patterns and preferences.
  • Strategies for feeling more confident and assertive – ready to have workplace conversations about boundaries.
  • Guidance on how to assertively and diplomatically put boundaries in place and ask for what you want.
  • Tips on how to say no in a way that feels comfortable for you
  • Support in action planning the boundaries you want to strengthen in your work.
  • And we’ll end with a visualisation to help you build your confidence.

If you are interested in this online session, please send an email to sutraining@bucks.ac.uk and we will book you onto the course.