
Join this online session for FREE!

Unfortunately stress seems to be a built-in feature of modern life. But we can all can all learn to cope with stress and uncertainty in a way that’s healthier for our body and mind. This session will walk you through some simple but effective tools to better cope with the stresses of life. You’ll take away:

  • Strategies for understanding unhealthy stress coping mechanisms and gradually swapping them for healthier ones
  • Tools to connect with your body and relax your physical response to stress
  • A tool for identifying sources of stress and focusing your attention where you can make a difference
  • Breathing exercises to activate your parasympathetic nervous system – calming down the stress response
  • Support in action planning what stress busting tools you’ll implement in your life
  • And we’ll end with a meditation to help you relax and take wellness into the next part of your day

If you are interested in this online session, please send an email to sutraining@bucks.ac.uk and we will book you onto the course.