
Get your Craft on with Student Volunteer Week 

We will be making dolls to support Epsom and St Helier hospital Children's ward. 

The Purpose:

Boredom buster:   A child can draw on the doll with markers, distracting him
from discomfort and boredom. Because the doll is soft and squeezable, it can be a
comfort when the child is anxious.

Outlet for expression: The child can express his fear or unhappiness by drawing
a face on the doll. Also, the child can mark on the doll the injury or pain she feels.
This allows adults to discuss concerns or pains more objectively with the child.

Doctor’s demonstration:  When medical personnel use the doll to show a
child what will happen during the procedure, it helps the child understand.
Sometimes the child can even help “doctor” the doll. This converts the
activity into something the child has control over. Often, this allows a
child as young as 2 or 3 years old to undergo the procedure much more
calmly, whether it’s putting on an oxygen mask or having a cut sutured.

No experience nessesary we will be there every step of the way to help you make these dolls. All the equipment will be supplied. Just turn up on the day. 


This activitiy is open to all.