It is now more important than ever that when you graduate you have more on your CV than just your degree. To boost the employability of our members, we offer a range of skills-based workshops and sessions that anyone can take part in and that will complement your studies.

Each year, we try to expand our programme of training sessions to cover the topics that you have asked for or that complement your university studies and help you develop the Bucks graduate attributes. The Leadership Academy helps to build and develop your skills and the Bucks Award will help you demonstrate the transferable skills and experiences you’ve picked up during your time studying.

Not only do we help prepare you for life after university by supporting you in developing your skills, but we also employ students across a variety of roles within the Students' Union. From bar staff and security, to paid student reps and our new internship programme, you'll get to work as part of one of the Top 5 Students' Unions in the UK and recieve free developmental training, skills sessions, and ongoing support.

If you are interested in applying for a job working with us, application forms, equal opportunities monitoring forms and further information can be downloaded on each of the individual vacancy pages.

Alternatively you can contact us on 01494 601 600 throughout the work week from 9am-5pm.

Please note that CVs will not be accepted when applying for any jobs through Bucks Students' Union.

Completed application forms and equal opportunity monitoring forms should be returned to or by post to:

Job Applications
Bucks Students' Union
Queen Alexandra Road
High Wycombe
HP11 2JZ

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